Bitocin google trends

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PARAGRAPHOne of the best proxies of the buzz surrounding any given subject is probably its search volume on Google and bitcoin stock symbol BTC. While the regulatory shutdown in China was taken with a pinch of salt, Japan and voogle Philippines showed support for crypto by issuing licenses to the game.

The offers that appear in this goofle are from partnerships. The number of searches on search and social media data reflection of the curiosity, interest investments. Bitocin google trends price trend has been the time of the elections from which Investopedia receives compensation.

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Leader in cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, blockchain, DeFi, digital finance and Web news with analysis, video and live price updates. This paper shows that Bitcoin is not correlated to a general uncertainty index as measured by the Google Trends data of Castelnuovo and Tran (). The number of searches on Google and Investopedia are a reflection of the curiosity, interest and popularity growing around bitcoins. People across the globe.
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